Development / By Katie

Developing land is a calculated risk. It is a complex process that involves buying land, obtaining

Key Considerations for Effective Subdivision Designs
Development / By Katie

Water is essential for life, but when it accumulates in the wrong places, it can become

Standing Water and Its Impact on Underground Infrastructure
Development / By Katie

Did you know? For the 2023 reporting year, the City of Edmonton’s existing road assets remain

The Lifecycle of Roads and Underground Infrastructure: From Planning to Decommissioning
Development / By Katie

Rezoning a property can be a complex and challenging process. It involves changing the designated use

Challenges of Rezoning a Property
Updates / By Katie

Even as a young kid, I had an aptitude for solving complex math problems at school.

From the Ground Up: Our Story
Environmental / By Katie

Professional Engineer Trent Thompson, General Manager of Bolson Engineering and Environmental, is here to discuss everything

Phase One Environmental Site Assessments Podcast
Development / By Katie

Professional Engineer Trent Thompson, General Manager of Bolson Engineering and Environmental, is here to discuss everything

Building Condition Assessments Video Podcast