Get Your Epcor Stormwater Utility Credit
Have you noticed a huge increase in your non-residential stormwater utility charges on your City of Edmonton Epcor bill? A Stormwater Utility Credit program is available for qualifying commercial/industrial properties. Our curated engineering reports will take the guesswork out of your monthly drainage bills. Often this drainage assessment report can offer a significant monthly rate drainage reduction.
What is Stormwater?
Stormwater refers to rainwater, snowmelt or excess water from lawn watering that flows off streets and properties. The City of Edmonton storm sewer system collects stormwater and disposes it into stormwater lakes, creeks, or the North Saskatchewan River.

What is the Formula for EPCOR's Stormwater Fees?
Currently the EPCOR stormwater fee for commercial/industrial zoned properties in Edmonton is calculated by the following formula: Area x Development Intensity x Runoff Co-efficient. The runoff co-efficient is based off the zoning of the premises.
What are some examples that will save on commercial/industrial drainage EPCOR fees?
- A portion of the land is undeveloped and covered in vegetation
- Dry/wet ponds onsite to minimize drainage services
- Drainage is flowing directly to a stormwater conveyance system
- Onsite stormwater management techniques such as swales, underground piping, overflow releases and ponding areas
- Low impact development strategies
- Land is covered in gravel to promote drainage
All reports are completed by an Alberta professional civil engineer. Bolson Engineering and Environmental Services is passionate about development. Want to discuss your property drainage? Contact us to discuss your property.